Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Prayer For Miriam

Yesterday was a very happy day for me. I could not help but verbally praise God for His tender mercy and grace. Yesterday, we all got news that a Sudanese wife and mother of two, will be released from prison. She stood firm in her faith and refused to renounce the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. She is truly an inspiration to me. What must it have been like to sit in a prison cell each day holding her two babies? I have no children of my own but I doubt that any mother would enjoy watching her two year old beg her to let him go play outside, and feel the sun on his skin. I am also not an expert on prison life, but I know that she did not have the luxury of which many of our  prisoners do in this country. But she has kept her faith and God has blessed her.
But there is one thought that goes across my mind this morning. I have received many emails from different people about the release of Miriam. Each one of them call for celebration!  :) Everyone is so excited that the Sudanese Government did the right thing in letting Miriam go. But NO ONE is bothering to give the glory to GOD. Everyone keeps saying that it is because of individuals signing petitions ( I did sign the petition). They keep saying that it was our voices that moved the heart of Sudan. But they are very wrong. Miriam believes in a righteous God, and so do I. If the Sudanese Government had chosen to keep Miriam and her children, Miriam still would have praised God. I still would have praised God. The Bible is very clear that we as Christians  WILL suffer persecution. 2 Timothy 3 :12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
But God was the one who turned the hearts of the Sudanese Government. He may have used a petition to do it, but it was Him who brought Miriam and her children through this dark time. He orders the steps of this Universe. So please, give the glory to God. I know Miriam is.  :)


The picture used is from Bing Images and is not my own.  

Friday, June 13, 2014

Fathers Day

Fathers Day. A day to celebrate all the great DADS out there in the world. I would have uploaded a picture of MY dad, but he is very camera shy and would probably grounded me until I was 40 for such an act. No. Instead I chose a beautiful sunset.  :) 
I love my Dad. We may not get along all the time, and we function veeeeeeery differently. But I still love him.
There are the little things that he does that makes me appreciate him. Although I may not show it all the time I am very great-full. 
He taught me how to fish. And in his opinion, EVERYONE needs to know how to fish.  :)
One year, when I was turning eleven, he decorated the ENTIRE house in pink and white balloons and streamers. He went all out. He told me how great the birthday party was going to be and that everyone was going to love it. When no one showed up for my birthday party ( and I mean no one) he simply donned a pink party hat and handed me my first gift. He told me that I didn't need a ton of friends to have a good time with family. 
He also brings me the cutest post cards for my seemingly childish collection. I love post cards and when he goes on the road he usually brings me one. This time it was Pennsylvania. :)
But isn't that kinda how God is? I know that my heavenly Father is always giving me little blessings to brighten my day. He is there to teach me how to fish for the right opportunity to witness. He is there to don the bright pink party hat of joy and show me that I can still be happy even when no one wants to join me. And he is always bringing me those cute little moments that just send me soaring. Oh sure, dad's can be gruff and seemingly hard sometimes. But God put them in our lives to teach us and to train us. I don't always see it, but I know my dad loves me and I know that God loves me. So in my opinion I have the two greatest DAD'S in the world.
