I heard a story today that literally made me sick to my stomach.
A church in the town over from Bowie lost their pastor the other day. He was jogging by the local lake when he had a heart attack and died.
Now, that is a very sad story, and I am grieved for the family of this pastor. But what makes me angry is that the church is personally evicting the pastor's wife from the parsonage in less that three weeks because her position as "Pastor's Wife" is void and she has no way of paying them rent.
What kind of church would do that?!
We love the name Christian. Christian means to be identified with Christ. It means to be Christ like.
CHRIST like.
Would Christ evict this woman simply because her husband is dead?
NO! That wasn't a rhetorical question. The answer is absolutely NO.
Luke 6:31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.
James 4 :17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
Galatians 6:2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ
Ok. So just from these simple verses I can see that God would wish us to love and sacrifice and do right for a person in need. Or any other time. What kind of Christian are you if you don't LOVE? What kind of Christian are you if you show no MERCY? What kind of Christian are you if you haven't any GRACE?
Especially to your own?!
What did Christ do for you on the cross of Calvary? He showed LOVE, MERCY, and the most amazing GRACE this world has ever seen. I am nothing without Christ and I assure you that you are in the same boat I am in. Do you call yourself a Christian? Do you?
How do you portray Christ to others?
That isn't a rhetorical question either.
You need to be honest with yourself and choose what kind of Christian you will be.
Love God. Love People.
Those are the words of my love story with Christ. And I am not doing Him any favors by hiding that love from the world when they need it the most.
.....Choose you this day whom ye will serve......
As for me? I will serve the Lord.