On Saturday March 15, 2014 the local K.K.K ( Klu Klux Klan) will be holding an "Anti-Black" rally in the town that I live in. Yes, they still exist. And yes, they are very active in my town. In fact, I used to live on the same county road as the K.K.K leader.
When I learned about this I was deeply saddened.
Why on earth would someone want to show such hate?
Why would someone want to hurt another person just because of the color of their skin?
How could such an organization exist in such a nation and America? A country that is striving to teach tolerance and acceptance of everything and everyone.
All people are created by God with love.
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. PSALM 139 : 14
How can we say that a person is not one of God's creatures simply because of their skin? What right have we just because they are different then us. And that goes for anyone. Just because a person is different, it doesn't mean they are not loved and treasured by God.
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
JOHN 3 :16
Christ died for ALL. He loves us All. Whether you are White, Black, Hispanic, Native American, Asian. GOD LOVES YOU. Whether you have a learning disability, or a physical disability. Whether you are shy, or loud. Whether you are male or female. You were made by God for a beautiful purpose. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
PLEASE PRAY!!! Pray with me that the rally, this weekend, is not successful. Please pray that someone's heart is touched and that the Lord has His way.
My heart is so sad for those whom the K.K.K is attacking. Christ wants us to show HIS LOVE.
I challenge you to stand up and show it.
How prideful and arrogant to think that just because our skin is white, that somehow makes us superior to another human race! We had a visiting missionary at our church last Wednesday from Uganda. He is as black as they come, but he's still one of God's children, doing God's work!!! I will definitely be praying!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. I used to baby sit a little girl who's Dad is Black and her Mom is White. She is the most precious little girl ever and I shudder at the thought that someone would hate her and her brother. They are innocent babies and so precious. I want to encourage everyone to pray for this situation. THANKS!