Thursday, August 21, 2014


I made it!! 
Ok. So I have actually been here in Bowie Texas for about nine days. I have been settling in  and visiting churches in the surrounding areas. I have even managed to locate some thrift stores.  :) shhhhh......don't tell my mom.  ;)
I am so excited to be here at the BBTI this year. I have an awesome room mate and some pretty cool class mates. There are four families attending along with four single girls. Yes, we are a small class. The BBTI is not a college. It is a nine month school that focuses on teaching linguistics and bible translation skills. It's purpose is to teach the missionary how to go into another country and learn their language, culture, and life style effectively and efficiently so that they can spread the gospel correctly. 
There are so many cases in which a missionary goes to a foreign land and has no clue how to reach the people. Or he does it the wrong way. As Christians our goal should be to not only spread the gospel, but to make it clear so that there isn't confusion. 

Today was the first day in orientation. I will attend another day of orientation and then class starts on Monday. I have a feeling that I will like the classes. One of them is all about writing reports on other Missionaries, Countries, and People Groups. :) I am very excited!

So please keep all of the students in your prayers as this year will stretch them in many ways. Each on of us is stepping out in faith. The life of a Christian is built on faith. We are all depending on God to provide our food, rent, clothing, and vehicles. There is no time for a job so we truly are relying on the Lord. 
I have already begun to see different things that God has provided and I know He will keep doing so.  :)

If you are interested in learning more about BBTI please visit the link below.  :)



  1. Thrift stores, huh? That's just what you need...more clothes! Well, Praise God that you love to shop Thrift Stores instead of Department Stores, I say! :) I KNOW that you will do great there at the BBTI and the Spiritual maturing and growing you will do will be so sweet between you and your Father. Love ya, girly!

  2. Yay!!! Praying for you on this fantastic new journey God is leading you through!!! I know He will teach you so much!!! Love you!!!
