Monday, March 24, 2014

A Romantic Dinner For Five :)

Early Saturday afternoon our power went out.
We were told that over 700 people were affected by the outage and that the power wouldn't be back on for several hours.
This threw a big damper in most everyone's plans. My dad wanted to work on the refrigerator. My mom wanted to make fried chicken. My brother wanted to EAT the fried chicken. But low and behold,  fried chicken was not in the near future.  :)
Instead, we sat at the house with absolutely nothing to do.
Well, night was falling upon us and we needed nourishment. And when a body needs nourishment there is only one thing to do.........get pizza.  :)
So, mom broke out the candles and placed them around the house and all over the table.
Each family member grabbed a plate and a few slices of pizza and we enjoyed a great dinner together. I took this picture during our romantic dinner for five.  :) I happen to think that it was the best dinner I have had with my family in a long time. And I guess the message I am trying convey here is that you can have good quality fun with your family even without electricity. Turn off the T.V, radio, computer, and just spend some good time with your family.
God instituted the family first and it is very important to Him.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Sweet Sight

My last article was about an act of hate and hurtfulness. 
I was really upset that a gathering of the KKK was being held in the very town that I live in.
But when I went to town last Saturday I saw a very sweet sight.
On the Square there was a group on about 15 teenagers. They were holding up handmade signs. The signs had things written on them such as ; Honk If You Are Against Racism, and Love Each Other.
I was so happy to see these teens taking some sort of stand. 
I know that it doesn't seem like much to some, but I was happy to see someone fighting for Love and not hate.
I thought I would share that you.  :) :)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Love Covers

On Saturday March 15, 2014 the local K.K.K ( Klu Klux Klan) will be holding an "Anti-Black" rally in the town that I live in.  Yes, they still exist. And yes, they are very active in my town. In fact, I used to live on the same county road as the K.K.K leader. 

When I learned about this I was deeply saddened. 
Why on earth would someone want to show such hate? 
Why would someone want to hurt another person just because of the color of their skin? 
How could such an organization exist in such a nation and America? A country that is striving to teach tolerance and acceptance of everything and everyone.

All people are created by God with love.
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. PSALM 139 : 14
 How can we say that a person is not one of God's creatures simply because of their skin? What right have we just because they are different then us. And that goes for anyone. Just because a person is different, it doesn't mean they are not loved and treasured by God. 

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
JOHN 3 :16
Christ died for ALL. He loves us All. Whether you are White, Black, Hispanic, Native American, Asian. GOD LOVES YOU. Whether you have a learning disability, or a physical disability. Whether you are shy, or loud. Whether you are male or female. You were made by God for a beautiful purpose. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

PLEASE PRAY!!! Pray with me that the rally, this weekend, is not successful. Please pray that someone's heart is touched and that the Lord has His way.
My heart is so sad for those whom the K.K.K is attacking. Christ wants us to show HIS LOVE. 

I challenge you to stand up and show it.


Friday, March 7, 2014

The Importance Of God's Word

I was reading in my Bible not too long ago, and I noticed that Psalm 119 is completely saturated with the different forms of God's word.
There are 176 verses in Psalm 119 and 176 times, the writer mentions the Word of God.
I thought to myself,
" This is the largest chapter in the entire Bible. If God chose to use the largest chapter in the Bible to tell us about His word, it must be pretty important."
This chapter tells us, in so many ways, to trust in God's word. 
Why wouldn't we want to trust in something that is;
Good vs 39
Righteous vs 62
Better than Gold or Silver vs 72
Sweeter than honey vs 103
A lamp and a light vs 105
Wonderful vs 129
Pure vs 140
Truthful vs 151
And Endures Forever vs 160
Why wouldn't we want those things in our lives? 
God wants those things for us and tells us what will happen if we apply His words to our lives.
We will be Blessed vs' 1, 2, 12
We will walk in Liberty vs 45
We will be Comforted vs 52
We will be Glad vs 74
We will be Wiser vs 98
We will have more Understanding vs 99
We will have Great Peace vs 165
(notice it is GREAT peace)
Our lips will utter praise vs 171

.....................So, what I gather from this is that we should take God's word very seriously.
It has all the answers we need. Just think of all the heartache we could skip, just by listening and following the Holy, Righteous, Living Word of God.


Sunday, March 2, 2014

A Matter Of Influence

Today I was watching a really neat show called, "How The States Got Their Shapes". Heard of it? If you have, then you would know that it is all about The United States of America and how they were formed. It is a neat show and I really like it. 
Well, I learned two things from this show today, and I thought I would share them with you.

The first thing I learned was that J.F.K is, indeed,  NOT the youngest president. In fact, it is Theodore Roosevelt. Like you, I was shocked to hear this. "They must be wrong," I told myself. But no! After my Mom did a little bit of searching we found out that Roosevelt is the youngest President yet. Mr. John F. Kennedy was the youngest President ever elected. He was 43 when he was pronounced the winner of the election. However, Roosevelt was 42 when he took office. He was Vice President to President William McKinley. Unfortunately, President McKinley's life was cut short and President Roosevelt was sworn in. BUT! This article is not about that. This article is about something else that I learned from this show.

The second thing I learned is that the city of Washington D.C. is NOT actually apart of the United States of America. WHAT?!!! First you tell me that J.F.K isn't the youngest President ever, and then you tell me that Washington D.C isn't even apart of the US? I was pretty confused. However, it is true. 
The reason why D.C isn't technically apart of the US is because of Congress. When America seceded from Great Brittan they wanted to have a place where they could be completely uninfluenced by those around them. They wanted a place where they could make crucial decisions without everyone elses opinions. A Place where they wouldn't feel unnecessary pressure.  And that is why D.C isn't actually apart of the USA. It is supposed to be an unbiased place where every State Rep, Senator, and Congressman can meat together. This struck me in a funny way. It seemed to ring with a bit of Biblical principal.

The Bible tells us to be careful of who is influencing us and our decisions. When we allow the world to control us and what we do, we start to make decisions that aren't pleasing to God. 

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.   1 John 2 :15

Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.  
1 Corinthians 15:33

Clearly God doesn't want us to let the world in. Clearly He wants us the shut the world out and make our decisions according to His word. 

There is just one problem.

When we watch movies, listen to music, and hang out with friends; we let all kinds of things into our lives and homes. Our homes need to be a place that is free from worldly influence. Our homes need to be the first place that we experience God's love and what He expects from us. What bad influences are you letting in your life?

I know that I can think of some that I need to get rid of.
