Sunday, April 6, 2014

Spring Is Coming

I am so excited about Spring. All around me flowers are blooming and trees are starting to put on tin bright green buds.
It seems as if it has been Winter for so long that I forgot how good it felt to be in the midst of Spring.  :) 
But I guess that is how we feel spiritually sometimes. 
It seems like when Winter strikes in our spiritual lives it is hard to get out of it. 
I would be dishonest if I said that it never happened to me. It happens quite a bit and it is so hard to wait for the Winter to stop. It seems as if I am dead inside and I can't seem to wake up. 
But then God brings Spring into my life and new beginning. 
He can do it in the form of a kind word from someone. He can do it just be showing you the answer in the Bible. He can use many ways to reach us and bring us out of the pit. But when He does we suddenly remember who we are and what God has for us. And it seems like we are even stronger than before. 
It's waiting that gets to us. Waiting is the hard part for any human being. It doesn't matter how patient a person is, no one likes waiting.
We all have to wait for something. It could be children. It could be a job. It could be the cinnamon rolls baking in my oven right now.
Or you could be waiting for the end of whatever Winter you are going through. 
But never fear God's word is near.  :)

Romans 12:12 Rejoicing in hope; PATIENT in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.

There is a simple answer right in Scripture. Prayer. Talking with God is always a good thing to do. It brings you closer to Him and it helps you rest in His timing. 

It's like waiting for Spring. It seems so hard while you are waiting. But when you simply rest in God's timing and when Spring finally comes, it's so much sweeter.  :)


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